Sunday, January 19, 2025


Dancers, Help us Help each other.



Join the iDANZ Dancers 4 Dancers Campaign

and ChipIn Today! 

Simply click the ChipIn and enter your amount  that you like to donate.  Whether it is $2 or $2000, whatever you can give will be greatly appreciated.  Donations are accepted through Paypal.  All major credit cards are accepted.

Hello, Dancers!

We at iDANZ are proud to announce our latest iDANZ Charity Initiative from our non-profit corporate foundation, iDANZ, Inc.,

The iDANZ Dancers 4 Dancers Campaign!

These days, we don’t see to many institutions trying to bail out the dancers, nor do we see the grants flowing to help dance companies put on shows.  That is why we have started a ChipIn collection for the iDANZ Dancers 4 Dancers Campaign!

With your help, dollar by dollar, iDANZ can create a fund that provides performance stipends to young dancers and choreographers identified on our social network at  This fund collective will help choreographers pay dancers to finish their independent performance projects in their area and iDANZ commissioned videos to be featured on iDANZ TV. 

We are looking to help choreographers pay their dancers for rehearsal or performances with these stipends.  As long as we have this fund, no stipends are for musicians or costumes or lighting; they are just to PAY DANCERS– the people we care about.

So dancers, “ChipIn” and help us help dancers with a gift today.  With the strength of many, even a gift as little as $1 can make a difference. 

Become a Member of our Social Network at  Join Now!Hey, it adds up!

Thanks everybody for your love and support . . .




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