Monday, February 10, 2025


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iDANZ Critix Corner Reviews

70 Performances in 70 Days!

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The Candice Rox, CEO of iDANZ and the iDANZ Crew are proud to announce a major milestone.  From the inaugural post of the blog on January 17 to the date of March 27, iDANZ has attended 70 performances that we have either reviewed and/or featured on our network of websites,, or the social  network (beta),  That’s 70 performances in 70 days!


“To be able to review so many performances in so little time is just remarkable . . . It makes us all at the iDANZ Critix Corner feel good to know that we are providing a great service for the independent choreographers and dance companies both large and small.”

-Candice Rox, Ceo and Founder of iDANZ,
A Division of The Pro DANZ Group, Dance Industrial Professionals, Inc.

Members of the iDANZ Critix Corner review shows from Contemporary to Hip hop, from Flamenco to Tap, from Mainstream to the off-beat including such notables as Paul Taylor, Savion Glover, New York City Ballet, Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet, Armitage Gone!, and Batsheva Dance as well as smaller companies like Angel Feliciano’s The Movement, tEEth, Zoe Scoefield, Jody Oberfielder, and Nathan Trice/Rituals.  iDANZ has also dispatched on-air correspondents such as Candice Rox, Silk Smooth, iDANZ editor, Adrienne Fisher and the urban socialites, the BKBoyeez to give iDANZers the low-down on dance events and fundraisers around New York City such as Carnival The Choreographer’s Ball at Club Hiro, Rhapsody’s Siren Assassins at Club BLVD, and Broadway’s Wicked Defying Inequality fundraiser.  

Are You a Dancer?  Join Today!  Click Here.“I’m so proud of what we at iDANZ are doing for the dance community!” exclaims Candice Rox exuberantly,  “To be able to review so many performances in so little time is just remarkable . . . It makes us all at the iDANZ Critix Corner feel good to know that we are providing a great service to the independent choreographers and dance companies both large and small.”

Candice Rox explains that the reviews came out of need to provide content to the much anticipated launch of the iDANZ Social Network,; however, the reviews have proved to be something much more than just mere editorial content.  She says that they are so many dance companies in the past two and a half months that the iDANZ Critic Corner has reviewed in which they are the only press and/or one of few if at all to ever review them that it has become a mission to find, identify, and attend these performances.  She says that with the beauty of social networking to a niche group of young pre and pro dancers across the country and access to various content distribution feeds to important high traffic news services like AOL news, iDANZ knows that these reviews can help jump-start name recognition of these small companies across the globe.

Meet the members of the iDANZ Critix Corner!  Look out for the iDANZ Critix Corner on iDANZ TV coming soon. . . Candice Rox (Senior Editor), Adrienne Jean Fisher (Editor-at-Large), Sheena DiMatteo (Associate Editor), Julie Fotheringham, Sasha Deveaux, JoiLynn, Sofia Uralsky (on hiatus), Dante Puleio, Amanda Keller, Lea McGowan, Jessica Shahinian, Antoine Lee, Molly Sorohan, Danielle Seidita, Hope Davis, Leah Schrager, Careitha Davis, Joey Lico, Joe Damiano, and Demar Braxton, and special on-air correspondents to the urban arts and fashion dance scene, BKBoyeez, Fabid and KuTTy.

iDANZ Critix Corner members:

iDANZ encourages dancers and choreographers  to use the iDANZ Social Network to promote themselves by sponsoring free banner ads for small and medium dance companies as well as self-promotion tools on 

To be considered for a dance review, please send your press release to are free to post their press releases and performance announcements under the iDANZ Calendar and iDANZ Blogs with links to ticket distribution and their company websites on their own as well as send individual messages and/or send system-wide bulletins to all members in the network at any time.

Please note that due to time constraints, not every press release may be posted by iDANZ staff nor will the iDANZ critics be always available to attend every event requested of them; however, all members of iDANZ at

For more information about the iDANZ Social Network, visit

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