Sunday, January 19, 2025

iDANZ Charities: iDANZ Donates $1 to Doctors Without Borders for every new member sign-up to the iDANZ Social Network

iDANZ Supports Doctors Without Borders

Doctors Without Borders
in their Haiti Relief Efforts.
MSF/Doctors Without Borders has been working in Haiti for 19 years, most recently operating three emergency hospitals in Port-au-Prince, and is mobilizing a large emergency response to the Haiti/earthquake disaster.  Can you please help them provide medicine, surgeons, nurses, and supplies to victims in this crisis?

For every new person who signs-up to be a member of the
iDANZ Social Network, iDANZ will donate $1 to
Doctors Without Borders January 18 – May 1.

Join Today. Make A Difference.  It’s FREE!

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