Dance Review: The Stephen Petronio Company Springs Forward in its 25th Anniversary Celebration of Unique Work
May 25, 2010 by iDANZ Today
Filed under Concert Modern -Jazz-Contemporary, iDANZ Critix Corner -Dance Reviews, Reviews
Stephen Petronio is living his moment the opening night of his New York season at the Joyce Theater. Located in Chelsea, the posh notoriously gay neighborhood, the Joyce Theater is swarming with just the type. The bar is busy, with people partaking of the specialty cocktail “Love Me Tender” and cherry flavored popcorn, both in […]
Class Watch: iDANZ Undercover Reviews Class with Stephen Petronio
October 31, 2009 by iDANZ Today
Filed under Concert Modern -Jazz-Contemporary, iDANZ Critix Corner -Dance Reviews, Reviews
I am working undercover for iDANZ, taking a dance class with Steven Petronio, a New York choreographer who has worked in the business as long as I’ve existed. Getting to Peridance’s new foster home at 890 Broadway is a challenge in itself, as I usually take class in midtown or upper west side part of […]